Results for 'Matilde Cantín Luna'

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  1.  28
    Héraclite dans la Philosophie de la nature de Hegel.Antoine Cantin-Brault - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (2):219-238.
    Antoine Cantin-Brault | Résumé : Il est bien connu que Hegel a fait d’Héraclite un jalon nécessaire de sa Logique. Mais Héraclite est plus qu’un penseur du devenir, de la contradiction et de l’infini logique, il est aussi le penseur du temps, du feu, de l’âme et de la vie. En ce sens, il est donc un penseur spéculatif de la nature et, plus précisément encore, Hegel aperçoit en lui les grands moments de sa Philosophie de la nature. Bien qu’abstraite, (...)
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    Poverty and inequality: Challenges for the iab: Iab presidential address.Florencia Luna - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (5-6):451-459.
    ABSTRACT This paper focuses on poverty and inequality in the world today. First, it points out how this topic is a main concern for the IAB. Second, it proposes ‘new’ theoretical tools in order to analyze global justice and our obligations towards the needy. I present John Rawls's denial that the egalitarian principle can be applied to the global sphere, his proposed weak duty of assistance, and his consideration of endemic poverty as essentially homegrown. In opposition, I focus on Thomas (...)
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    ‘Pesticides are our children now’: cultural change and the technological treadmill in the Burkina Faso cotton sector.Jessie K. Luna - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):449-462.
    Amidst broad debates about the “New Green Revolution” in Africa, input-intensive agriculture is on the rise in some parts of Africa. This paper examines the underlying drivers of the recent and rapid adoption of herbicides and genetically modified seeds in the Burkina Faso cotton sector. Drawing on 8 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Houndé region, this article contends that economic and cultural dynamics—often considered separately in analyses of technology adoption—have co-produced a self-reinforcing technological treadmill. On the one hand, male (...)
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    Black feminist sociology: perspectives and praxis.Zakiya Luna & Whitney Pirtle (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Black Feminist Sociology offers new writings by established and emerging scholars working in a Black feminist tradition. The book centers Black feminist sociology within the sociology canon and widens is to feature Black feminist sociologists both outside the U.S. and the academy. Inspired by a BFS lens, the essays are critical, personal, political and oriented toward social justice. Key themes include the origins of Black feminist sociology, expositions of BFS orientations to research that extend disciplinary norms, and contradictions of the (...)
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    Edward Gibbon Wakefield and the political economy of emancipation.Matilde Cazzola - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (4):651-669.
    This essay contextualizes Edward Gibbon Wakefield’s plan of systematic colonization of Australia within the social and political economic debates surrounding the process of slave emancipation in the British West Indies from the 1830s onwards. Wakefield’s proposal to induce wage labour by preventing the labourers from becoming independent producers and proprietors was an important expression of a pan-imperial concern on the relation between the extension of the “field of employment” and the concentration of the labour force; this issue also troubled the (...)
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    The phenomenology of shame in the clinical encounter.Luna Dolezal - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):567-576.
    This article examines the phenomenology of body shame in the context of the clinical encounter, using the television program ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ as illustrative. I will expand on the insights of Aaron Lazare’s 1987 article ‘Shame and Humiliation in the Medical Encounter’ where it is argued that patients often see their diseases and ailments as defects, inadequacies or personal shortcomings and that visits to doctors and medical professionals involve potentially humiliating physical and psychological exposure. I will start by outlining a phenomenology (...)
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    Shame, Vulnerability and Belonging: Reconsidering Sartre’s Account of Shame.Luna Dolezal - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (3):421-438.
    Through positing that our capacity for physical vulnerability is at the core of original shame, Sartre’s account in Being and Nothingness reveals shame as an essential structure of human existence. Reading Sartre’s ontological account of ‘pure shame’ alongside recent writing about shame in early child development, particularly Martha Nussbaum’s account of ‘primitive shame,’ this article will explore the inherent links between shame, the body and vulnerability, ultimately positing that our human need for belonging is the fundamental driving force behind shame, (...)
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  8. Concepto de la moralidad.Luna Arroyo & Francisco[From Old Catalog] - 1935 - [México]: Universidad nacional autónoma de México.
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    Lógicas de la filosofía de la historia: hacia una crítica de la lógica de la razón histórica.Luna Bravo & José Luis - 2011 - Bogotá, D.C.: Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Bogotá, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    Agostino e i suoi libri.Matilde Caltabiano - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (2):519-537.
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    I latori della corrispondenza di Agostino.Matilde Caltabiano - 2001 - Augustinianum 41 (1):113-148.
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    Fernand Dumont : un théologien au risque de la culture.Serge Cantin - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (3):477-484.
    This article aims to define the scope of theology in the multidisciplinary work of Fernand Dumont. Building on Dumont’s intellectual self-definition as a philosopher with no object, the main purpose here is to show that Dumont’s theology remains inseparable, theoretically and practically, from a fundamental reflection on the unpredictable future of culture in our time.
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    Femininity: From passion to an ethics of the impossible.Lucie Cantin - 1993 - Topoi 12 (2):127-136.
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  14.  21
    Interdisciplinarité et transdisciplinarité chez Fernand Dumont.Serge Cantin - 1999 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 55 (1):49-63.
  15.  31
    La mémoire et la réminiscence d'après Aristote.Stanislas Cantin - 1955 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 11 (1):81.
  16.  28
    La perception des sensibles communs au moyen du mouvement d'après Aristote.Stanislas Cantin - 1961 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 17 (1):9.
  17.  10
    Penser le néant: Hegel, Heidegger et l'épreuve héraclitéenne.Antoine Cantin-Brault - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le néant ne se laisse pas facilement approcher par la pensée, car il constitue pour elle une limite. Limite interne à la pensée chez Hegel, c'est-à-dire son extrémité la plus abstraite, ou encore limite externe chez Heidegger, ce voile qui marque la finitude de ce qui se déclôt et qui le fait se tenir en retrait de la pensée. Dans les deux cas cependant, cette limite doit être pensée pour elle-même, de manière à mettre au jour la vérité à laquelle (...)
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  18.  15
    Pour une épistémologie de la pertinence : l’Anthropologie en l’absence de l’homme de Fernand Dumont.Serge Cantin - 2021 - Philosophiques 48 (1):45-67.
    Cet article vise à expliciter le sens et la portée de « l’épistémologie de la pertinence », qui constitue l’enjeu fondamental de l’ouvrage de Fernand Dumont paru aux Presses universitaires de France en 1981 : L’Anthropologie en l’absence de l’homme. Sans renoncer aux exigences d’une épistémologie axée sur l’analyse des démarches opératoires de la construction de l’objet, Dumont fait ressortir les limites d’une telle « épistémologie de la vérité » quant à la mise au jour des fondements et des finalités (...)
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    The Respective Standpoints of Psychology and Logic.Matilde Castro - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22:561.
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  20. Fogones crepitantes : apuesta por una forma alternativa de conocer.Matilde Eljach - 2017 - In Sara Victoria Alvarado (ed.), Las ciencias sociales en sus desplazamientos: nuevas epistemes y nuevos desafíos. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
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    Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing Early Christian Identity.Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna - 2016 - Augustinianum 56 (2):496-509.
  22.  37
    Esperienze estetiche nella quotidianità. Il caso delle tavole da skateboard: Damien Hirst e Supreme, Palace e Tate Britain.Matilde Greci - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1):129-139.
    A reflection on the aesthetic status of some typical objects of everyday life, and the relationship we have with them, may originate from the development of “aesthetic experience” by John Dewey and Neopragmatism. The continuity between the common practices and aesthetic ones determines the significance of ordinary objects if they are linked to a project of enrichment and fulfillment of experience. A case that thematizes the richness of these practices in the contemporary world, and also the related theoretical and critical (...)
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    Acerca del Yo fichteano.Manuel Luna - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (126):19-34.
    Although the Fichte’s philosophy is usually considered an example of abstract system far from the reality, its basic ideas were already present in a series of theories and facts previous to their writings. That the I need a No–I that determines it, that the I is essentially activity and their po..
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    El giro crítico del arte: perspectivas sobre creatividad y contestación.Diego Luna - 2021 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
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    Laura Rascaroli (2009) The Personal Camera: Subjective Cinema and the Essay Film.Matilde Nardelli - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):191-195.
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    Approach to the new videographies analysis: Case study of immigrant representations in the Social Innovation Laboratory videos.Matilde Obradors, Irene Da Rocha & Ana Fernández-Aballí - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):85-110.
    In this paper, we propose a methodology of analysis for new videographies based on an analytical grid. We base our epistemological starting point on various critical cultural study authors, a semiotic analysis, and a critical discourse analysis. We apply the grid to a case study composed of a series of videos titledIdentibuzz: Hybrid identities, which was created within UBIQA, a Basque social innovation laboratory. In order to fully grasp the results of the analysis, we briefly outline some data referring to (...)
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  27.  20
    What's Shared in Movement Kinematics: Investigating Co-representation of Actions Through Movement.Matilde Rocca & Andrea Cavallo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28. Ungrounded Causal Chains and Beginningless Time.Laureano Luna - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (3-4):297-307.
    We use two logical resources, namely, the notion of recursively defined function and the Benardete-Yablo paradox, together with some inherent features of causality and time, as usually conceived, to derive two results: that no ungrounded causal chain exists and that time has a beginning.
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    Neoliberalismo y devastación ambiental: de los límites planetarios a la sustentabilidad como posibilidad histórica / Neoliberalism and environmental devastation: from the planetary boundaries to sustainability as a historical possibility.Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):89-107.
    El presente estudio presenta la especificidad de la devastación ambiental en el marco del tipo particular de acumulación de capital y de desarrollo de fuerzas productivas técnicas y procreativas durante el neoliberalismo. El objetivo de la investigación fue ofrecer una síntesis de la teoría de Karl Marx, Jorge Veraza y Andrés Barreda para discutir con David Harvey y Joan Martínez Alier, respecto a la devastación ambiental, la acumulación por desposesión, los límites planetarios y la posibilidad histórica de alcanzar la sustentabilidad (...)
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  30. The (In) visible Body: Feminism, Phenomenology, and the Case of Cosmetic Surgery.Luna Dolezal - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (2):357-375.
    This paper will examine the experience of and drive for bodily invisibility in women through the theoretical approaches of phenomenology and social constructionism. An examination of the social disruptions of bodily invisibility and the compulsive avoidance of such instances, particularly with respect to the fastidious maintenance of body comportment and appearance within the narrow parameters afforded by social norms, will lead to an exploration of the conflation of biomedicine with the beauty industry.
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    Not the Usual Suspects: Addressing Layers of Vulnerability.Florencia Luna & Sheryl Vanderpoel - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):325-332.
    This paper challenges the traditional account of vulnerability in healthcare which conceptualizes vulnerability as a list of identifiable subpopulations. This list of ‘usual suspects’, focusing on groups from lower resource settings, is a narrow account of vulnerability. In this article we argue that in certain circumstances middle-class individuals can be also rendered vulnerable. We propose a relational and layered account of vulnerability and explore this concept using the case study of cord blood (CB) banking. In the first section, two different (...)
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  32. Elucidating the concept of vulnerability: Layers not labels.Florencia Luna - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):121-139.
    In this article I examine several criticisms of the concept of vulnerability. Rather than rejecting the concept, however, I argue that a sufficiently rich understanding of vulnerability is essential to bioethics. The challenges of international research in developing countries require an understanding of how new vulnerabilities arise from conditions of economic, social and political exclusion. A serious shortcoming of current conceptions of vulnerability in research ethics is the tendency to treat vulnerability as a label fixed on a particular subpopulation. My (...)
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    Justice in a Globalized World: A Normative Framework.Laura Maria Matilde Valentini - 2011 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Are wealthy countries' duties towards developing countries grounded in justice or in weaker concerns of charity? Justice in a Globalized World offers both an in-depth critique of the most prominent philosophical answers to this question, and a distinctive approach for addressing it.
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  34. Neoptolemus and Huck Finn Reconsidered. Alleged Inverse akrasia and the Case for Moral Incapacity.Matilde Liberti - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry.
    Cases of akratic behavior are generally seen as paradigmatic depictions of the knowledge-action gap (Darnell et al 2019): we know what we should do, we judge that we should do it, yet we often fail to act according to our knowledge. In recent decades attention has been given to a particular instance of akratic behavior, which is that of “inverse akrasia”, where the agent possesses faulty moral knowledge but fails to act accordingly, thus ending up doing the right thing. In (...)
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  35.  10
    Investigating the Influence of Intergroup Contact in Virtual Reality on Empathy: An Exploratory Study Using AltspaceVR.Matilde Tassinari, Matthias Burkard Aulbach & Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Virtual Reality has often been referred to as an “empathy machine.” This is mostly because it can induce empathy through embodiment experiences in outgroup membership. However, the potential of intergroup contact with an outgroup avatar in VR to increase empathy is less studied. Even though intergroup contact literature suggests that less threatening and more prosocial emotions are the key to understanding why intergroup contact is a powerful mean to decrease prejudice, few studies have investigated the effect of intergroup contact on (...)
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  36.  20
    Differential Experiences of Social Distancing: Considering Alienated Embodied Communication and Racism.Luna Dolezal & Gemma Lucas - 2022 - Puncta 5 (1):97-105.
    In this musing we consider how social distancing, the primary public health measure introduced to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, is creating social encounters characterized by a self-and-other-consciousness and an atmosphere of suspicion, leading to what we call “alienated embodied communication.” Whilst interaction rituals dominated by avoidance, fear and distrust are novel for many individuals who occupy positions of social privilege, Black and ethnic minority writers have demonstrated that the alienated bodily communication of COVID-19 social distancing is “nothing (...)
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  37.  18
    Beauty and Politics.Matilde Carrasco Barranco - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 355–362.
    Arthur Danto's The Abuse of Beauty was a significant contribution to the acclaimed return of beauty that had been taking place since Dave Hickey's 1993 manifesto announced that beauty would be the defining problem of the next decade. One of the most original and important aspects of Danto's look at beauty is that he thought about it as a contribution to art criticism. External aesthetic qualities would be as meaningless as natural beauty intended to play role in conveying a work (...)
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  38.  39
    Is 'best proven' a useless criterion?Florencia Luna - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (4):273–288.
    In this article I examine some proposals for modification of ethical documents regulating research, particularly, the problems that introducing certain economic clauses may pose. I evaluate suggestions that reject the notion of providing the ‘best proven diagnostic and therapeutic method’ in favor of ‘the highest attainable therapeutic method’ or ‘the proven effective prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic methods’. I analyze the plausibility and problems of introducing a double standard and the consequences it may have in developing countries. Finally I highlight the (...)
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  39.  31
    La métaphysique d’Héraclite.Antoine Cantin-Brault - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (2):201-217.
    Antoine Cantin-Brault | : Après avoir établi le bien-fondé de la constitution onto-proto-logique de la métaphysique, trouvée dans les travaux de B. Mabille, cette constitution qui montre que la métaphysique est assurément onto-théo-logique mais aussi mé-onto-logique, l’article veut montrer que cette métaphysique est tout entière déjà présente dans la pensée d’Héraclite. Si les métaphysiciens comme Hegel et Heidegger ont plutôt eu tendance à s’installer dans une de ces deux pulsations métaphysiques en récusant l’autre, Héraclite est peut-être le seul à les (...)
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    Visual Perversity: A Re-Articulation of Maternal Instinct.Alina M. Luna - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Through her reading of Euripides'Bacchae, Colridge's "Christabel," de Sade'sPhilosophy in the Bedroom, and Hitchcock'sPsycho author Alina M. Luna finds precedent for a destructive impulse lurking beneath the maternal gaze.
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    Identifying and evaluating layers of vulnerability – a way forward.Florencia Luna - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (2):86-95.
    “Vulnerability” is a key concept for research ethics and public health ethics. This term can be discussed from either a conceptual or a practical perspective. I previously proposed the metaphor of layers to understand how this concept functions from the conceptual perspective in human research. In this paper I will clarify how my analysis includes other definitions of vulnerability. Then, I will take the practical‐ethical perspective, rejecting the usefulness of taxonomies to analyze vulnerabilities. My proposal specifies two steps and provides (...)
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  42.  13
    Emotions of the pandemic: phenomenological perspectives.Luna Dolezal & Matthew Ratcliffe - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (5):1023-1030.
    This article provides an introduction to the special issue “Emotions of the Pandemic: Phenomenological Perspectives”. We begin by outlining how phenomenological research can illuminate various forms of emotional experience associated with the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we propose that a consideration of pandemic experience, in all its complexity and diversity, has the potential to yield wider-ranging phenomenological insights. We go on to discuss the thirteen contributions that follow, identifying common themes and points of complementarity.
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    Arithmetic and Logic Incompleteness: the Link.Laureano Luna & Alex Blum - 2008 - The Reasoner 2 (3):6.
    We show how second order logic incompleteness follows from incompleteness of arithmetic, as proved by Gödel.
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    Filosofía como ciencia crítica.Erich Daniel Luna - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 8:55-67.
    El presente texto busca desarrollar y explicitar el concepto de filosofía que Martin Heidegger tenía desde la segunda mitad de la década de 1920, es decir, en los años que giran en torno a Ser y tiempo. Se toman como ejes los cursos dictados en esos años en la Universidad de Marburgo. La distinción entre ciencias positivas y ciencia crítica, así como la distinción entre filosofía científica y filosofía como concepción del mundo, tendrán por objetivo precisar qué es lo propio (...)
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    Evidential meanings in native and learner Japanese and English.Luna Filipović, Mika Brown & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (3):484-508.
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    Constantino CONTRERAS y Mario BERNALES. Oralidad y cultura tradicional.Juan Bahamonde Cantín - 2008 - Alpha (Osorno) 26.
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    Voces míticas gestadas en la sombra de las Minas Del carbón: Un enfoque semiótico.Juan Bahamonde Cantín - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:59-78.
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    Grandeur et limites du Marx de Michel Henry.Serge Cantin - 1990 - Dialogue 29 (3):387-.
    En 1976 paraissait le Marx de Michel Henry: ouvrage monumental de près de mille pages où la condamnation en bloc du marxisme, identifyé d'entrée de jeu à «l'ensemble des contresens qui ont été faits sur Marx», s'ordonne à l'ambitieux dessein d'exhumer le vrai Marx, enfoui sous «les thèses dogmatiques du matérialisme dialectique». Pour mener à bien son entreprise de restauration d'une «pensée de génie», M. Henry fait fond sur la méthode de la répétition appliquée par Heidegger au texte kantien. En (...)
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    Le Logos héraclitéen : l’obscurité de l’ambivalence entre détermination et indétermination.Antoine Cantin-Brault - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (2):359.
    Résumé C’est un lieu commun de dire d’Héraclite qu’il est obscur, mais d’où vient précisément cette obscurité? Libérant la métaphysique à partir d’une constitution entendue comme onto-proto-logie, l’obscurité d’Héraclite semble participer à la fois d’une métaphysique déterminante qui cherche à dire l’étant suprême en un Logos totalisant, et d’une métaphysique indéterminante ne voulant que signifier le principe qui se situe au-delà de l’étant. Ces deux tendances sont illustrées par Hegel et Heidegger, en leurs interprétations respectives d’Héraclite ; chacun énonce quelque (...)
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    Mounier.Eileen Cantin - 1973 - New York,: Paulist Press.
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